Commercial planning consultancy

Planning consultancy

Neptune Architectural have an extensive background in advising on and taking forward proposals for a range of development types. These include housing proposals for major urban extensions, infill housing, heritage proposals, commercial developments for mixed use retail, hotel proposals, vehicle rentals, bars and restaurants and industrial / agricultural developments.

In an era of ever increasing complexity in planning legislation, policy and procedure – we will build upon initial ideas and progress projects all the way through planning, technical design and building regulations through to advising you whilst you build your project and move in, or sell it as a completed development. We will coordinate multi-disciplinary teams of technical experts to prepare and progress a range of planning applications from small scale proposals up to large Environmental Impact Assessment scale developments.

planning consultancy

Questions about

Planning consultancy

What is a commercial planning consultant?

Why is being a Chartered Town Planner important?

Our Service

Planning permission strategy

Planning strategy

To navigate complex planning requirements successfully requires a robust strategy that anticipates and accounts for every important factor. An effective planning strategy will set the constraints and vital components for the planning stage and allow for a cohesive and effective planning submission. Read more

Each project we undertake is unique and so requires a different approach to ensure its smooth running and we take great care to think about each and every project from all angles to make sure nothing is missed.
Some of the things we consider and plan for include:

  • Assessments of development potential, planning risks and ways to maximise prospects of success.
  • Site appraisals.
  • Strategic advice on positioning development proposals to optimise the prospects of success
  • Advocacy of development proposals supported by strong and attractive graphic presentation
  • Case making
Planning application for commercial developments

Building a planning application

Neptune Architectural will build a complete and detailed planning application from strategy through design and on to a complete planning application. Read more

Covering all spectrums of the commercial sector, the practice has experience of retail, industrial and commercial development. Our team recognises the economic challenges faced by many of our commercial clients and strive to achieve a timely, cost effective and profitable permission. 

Our clients require varying levels of support and guidance in the development projects and we can help in every area, such as:

  • Attending design team meeting and influencing scheme evolution
Project management planning submission and consultant requests

  • Planning statements
Monitoring application resources

  • Liaising with case officers and stakeholders
Negotiating S106 Agreements (or developer contributions) and CIL (The Community Infrastructure Levy) Agreements
Seeking to minimise pre-commencement conditions
Discharge of planning conditions
working with specialists in planning process

Coordinating with external specialists

Commercial development projects rely on the crucial input of specialists from arboreal consultants to council officials. It takes expert attention and oversight to ensure all the strands come together properly and all parties are singing from the same hymn sheet. Read more

Neptune Architectural can be responsible for coordinating everything that ties into your project.

We question the plans and submissions from every external entity ensuring the ‘story’ is consistent. During complex planning applications there are so many considerations it’s extremely important the project’s declarations are consistent and not contradictory.

Our expert oversight and attention to detail can uncover potential problems that could have become very costly if not dealt with at the planning stage, we reduce the chance of delays by ensuring the project plans and declarations are consistent across the board.

When it comes to problems and challenges with commercial planning applications, prevention is much better than cure.

Consultant for planning permission appeals

Planning Appeals

Do you disagree with a Council decision? Or do you want a qualified independent party to explore your chances at appeal before incurring substantial costs? Read more

With over 10 years experience of written representation appeals, hearings and inquiries, we will ensure you have the best chance at any appeal or planning enforcement case. Neptune Architectural has an extensive network of contacts in both public and private sectors. Similarly our in house legal knowledge and experience is substantial and can be called upon at any stage in the appeal or enforcement process. 

About NEPTUNEArchitectural

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